TiMascus Signature Series

TiMascus Signature Series
TiMascus Signature Series
TiMascus Signature Series
TiMascus Signature Series
TiMascus Signature Series
TiMascus Signature Series
TiMascus Signature Series
Any of the rings in the Signature Series can be made in TiMascus which has two different alloys of titanium fabricated Damascus Steel style.  Just choose the model in the pulldown menu.  All of the same finishes as the titanium rings are possible.  The first ring shown is the Regular Profile ring in an 8mm width and polished finish then anodized.  The other pictures are an Edge Lip style ring in 7mm.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Lefebvre Van der Walt
Absolute Masterpiece

I just love the idea of a damascus steel type of ring. Naturally i was intrigued when I found out there was something lyk Timascus. The color patterns are just amazing. I chose a satin finish for which the colors are more subtle than the photos of the online shop, which I prefer. But I guess you should ask for a polished finish if you like the brighter colors.

I bought a similar ring for my wedding 6 years ago, which I lost sometime last year. So I mailed them to ask what my previous specs were for a replacement, and Bruce & Chrissy responded very promptly. Thanks guys!

Absolutely stunning

I'm wearing the edgelip in the photo. Bruce answered all of my questions and was very helpful before purchasing. My ring was crafted and delivered lightning fast. The ring is absolutely stunning, even better looking than I imagined, and really comfortable.

Thank you so much.

Custom TiMascus Ring

Really love this ring. Bruce worked with me to make this ring without any anodizing, a truly custom piece that haven't seen elsewhere. Also, the prices are amazing compared to other websites/stores and the quality is too. Highly recommended.

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